School trips

The castle is the prime setting for a spot of teaching away from the classroom. A trip to Chillon can provide a living, hands-on approach to History, Art History, Architecture and Earth Sciences.

That’s why our castle staff host school outings and on-location teaching opportunities throughout the year.

Choose from one of our ‘à la carte’ trips to find the option that best meets your needs.

Self-guided school trips

Take a look around the most visited historical monument in Switzerland! Your pupils will revel in the chance to roam the underground rooms like real adventurers, stop off at the iconic latrines dangling over the lake and play castle guard along the sentry walks.

Our right below downloadable educational ‘school/museum’ pack will help you plan your outing, with a selection of activities linked to the rooms in the castle that are especially suited to children aged 10-12.

Our free Drako itinerary is also available at the ticket office.

'Castle highlights' guided tour

Official guide

No time to waste, grab a guide and discover (almost) everything there is to see at the castle! Our guides will take you back in time, on a quest through the most emblematic places of the castle.

You will learn all about the famous prison, the banquet halls, the ceremonial rooms and the famous latrines !

This tour is designed for children aged from 6.

Duration: 50 minutes
Price: CHF 105.00 per group + admission
Maximum group size: 30 people

Last tour: 1.5 hours before closing
Languages: English, French and German

Guided tour for toddlers

Discovery tour “The Treasure Chest!” 

Open a trunk and choose some objects: listen! They have lots of stories to tell you… Coming directly from the Middle Ages, an inhabitant of the castle takes you into the rooms and tells you all their little secrets.

This tour is designed for children aged between 3 and 6.

Duration: 50 minutes
Price: CHF 153.00 + admission
Maximum group size: 3 adults and 10 children

Last tour: 1.5 hours before closing
Languages: English, French and German

Costume tour

With guide in costume

Think your pupils could learn a thing or two from a character in period costume? This is the time-travelling tour for you! A page, lady-in-waiting, Bernese castellan, or duchess of Savoy will take you on an extraordinary journey to another world, giving you a glimpse into Chillon’s past.

Together, you’ll uncover the mysteries behind hidden passageways, the underground Gothic vaulted ceilings and the prison where the famous Bonivard was kept.

A fun, lighthearted way to learn all about this Vaudois castle.

This tour is designed for children aged from 6.

Duration: 50 minutes
Price: CHF 153.00 per group + admission
Maximum group size: 30 people

Last tour: 1.5 hours before closing
Languages: English, French and German

Themed tour and workshop: Castle workshop / A day in the life

With a guide in medieval costume to fit your chosen theme: Castle workshop / A day in the life

An unusual journey into the medieval world through the senses and interaction ! Drop your gadgets! Our guide will take you and your pupils on a sensory rollercoaster as you smell popular spices of yore, touch objects and fabrics, and really focus in on every inch of the wall paintings….

This tour is designed for children aged from 6.

Duration: 60 minutes
Price: CHF 153.00 per group + admission
Maximum group size: 15 people

Last tour: 1.5 hours before closing
Languages: English, French and German

In-depth school trip

With official guide, or guide in costume

Watch as your pupils uncover the secrets of the stronghold… this 80-minute tour, designed for school leavers, comes with a specialist guide.

They will show you around the rooms built for aristocrats, underground and prisons, taking a closer look at precious objects from the Chillon Castle collection and homing in on what makes them special.

A history lesson you’ll never forget !

This tour is designed for children aged from 8.

Duration: 80 minutes
Price: per group with official guide CHF 153.00 + admission / with guide in medieval costume CHF 220.00 + admission
Maximum group size: 30 people 

Last tour: 1.5 hours before closing
Languages: English, French and German


School trip - Temporary exhibition

Official guide in themed costume

Chillon is steeped in history, art and landscapes that have enchanted visitors since time immemorial, including great artists such as Courbet, Flaubert, Rousseau, Gogol to name a few… Follow the red thread through the castle rooms and unravel a strong theme fit for a stronghold! Only available during temporary exhibitions.

This tour is designed for children aged from 6.

No temporary exhibition at the moment.

Duration: 60 minutes
Price: from CHF 100.00 to CHF 153.00 per group (depending on the theme) + admission
Maximum group size: 30 people

Last tour: 2 hours before closing
Language: English, French and German





All tour bookings must comply with the following:

  • Made two working days in advance
  • Made in writing using our online booking form or by email to
  • Confirmed by our booking service

Please confirm your arrival time and the number of people in your group 48 hours in advance.

Please arrive on time.

In the event of a delay, we kindly request you inform us as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your group, however, if you are delayed by 15 minutes or more, the guided tour will be shortened.





Refreshments are available in our cafeteria.
You can also have a picnic on the banks of the lake, and even go for a paddle. There are toilets and showers available.
If the weather isn’t quite nice enough, we recommend you take picnics to Montreux Covered Market.
Please do not picnic on the castle premises.
We ask that teachers supervise their pupils at all times; teachers/guardians are fully responsible for children in their care.

Castle rules

In order to protect the monument and keep it in a good condition for other visitors, please:

  • Leave rucksacks in the cloakroom in the cafeteria
  • Stay together: children should not be left on their own
  • Do not run on the castle grounds
  • Keep noise to a minimum (this includes radios, mobile phones and other devices)
  • Do not graffiti the monument
  • Do not touch the items on display
  • Use the bins provided
  • Be considerate to other people visiting the monument

Online ticket office